2️⃣Create a Collection

The following documentation is a guide to creating your first collection.

The 'collections' tab is where you can create new NFT collections and manage your existing ones within a project. Please note that collections can't be moved between projects.

1. Choose a token standard

Now that you've created a project, let's create a smart contract, also known as a 'collection'. You can choose between two token standards for your collections - ERC1155, or ERC 721. To understand the difference between the two and the implications for your art, see our token standard guide .

2. Fill out the Collection Details form

The collection form contains the following fields, and is located in the center of the 'Create Collection' page.

You'll need the following information to create a collection, as well as a little bit of the native token for whatever blockchain you're deploying on to deploy the collection onto the blockchain that you're signed in to with your wallet. Both ERC-1155 and ERC-721 collections require the same information:

  1. Blockchain - Use the dropdown to select the blockchain where you want to deploy your contract. It will initially display the current chain you're connected to. If you choose a different blockchain from the list, a prompt will appear requiring your signature to confirm the switch. This ensures you're ready to deploy and manage the associated gas fees.

  2. Collection Name - This is name of your NFT collection and will appear on marketplaces

  3. Collection Description - This is the description that appears on secondary marketplaces like OpenSea, along with the collection title.

  4. Collection Ticker - This is a shorthand abbreviation of your collection name. Keep in mind that shorter, more memorable ticker symbols are generally more user-friendly and easier to remember. i.e. PUNK, BAYC, DEADFRENZ.

  5. Collection Category - We use the collection category that you select to feature different types of NFTs on our gallery page. I.e. Profile Pictures, Photography, Sports, etc

  6. Royalties: This field determines the percentage of each sale that will go to the creator of the NFT collection. Creator royalties are usually between 5% - 10%, but some marketplaces may have their own guidelines or requirements for royalties. It's important to set a fair and reasonable royalty rate that reflects the value of your NFT collection.

  7. Revenue Recipient Address: This field determines where the revenue from NFT sales will go when a collector mints your NFT. By default, this field will auto-fill with the wallet you've connected to the site. However, you can change this address to another address of your choosing.

3. Choose a collection cover photo

Give your collection a face by uploading a cover photo. This image will also be shown on secondary marketplaces like OpenSea.

Last updated